Please note the supported operating systems according to „Operating System Prerequisites“ in the DS License Server Installation and Configuration Guide.


Virtual machines are supported only with a Windows 2016 Server cluster.

Network card teaming is not supported.


Please download DSLicTarget.exe:


After the download the file DSLicTarget.exe is located in your Downloads folder.

Please open the Windows Explorer and take a look to your Downloads folder:


In Windows Explorer click into the address line at the top , enter „cmd“ (without quotation marks) and press key:


A command prompt (cmd.exe) window appears.
Type the command „DSLicTarget –t„:


Select menu „EditMark“:


Mark the output of the command „DSLicTarget –t“ with pressed left mouse button:


Copy the marked text with key to the Windows clipboard.

Now you can insert the copied text from the Windows clipboard into your email application and send it to your contact at TECHNIA.